Super Simple Creative Brief for Small Business Video Ads

Last week we asked, “How can small businesses make highly effective video ads?” To make this an easier question for you to answer, we’ve created a Super Simple Video Advertising Creative Brief for Small Business. Take 15 minutes to answer these questions, and your video ads will be off the charts effective.


The six simple questions are below. Each one should only take you a couple of minutes to answer. (Go fast!) We’ve even included sample answers for you to refer to. Notice that they’re written in the first person voice. When you’ve got your own answers ready, just type over the samples.


Step 1: Background and Challenge

Think about your business.

Ask: What is the number one challenge I want to solve for my company through video advertising? (Also, is video a good fit for solving this challenge?)

Step 2: Target Audience

Think about the people who you want as customers.

Ask: Who are the target customers for my ad? Are these my current customers? Go beyond simple demographics.

Give your ideal customer or customers names. They’re real people now.

Customer 1:

Customer 2:

Step 3: How does that audience feel and act now?

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes.

Ask: What do these people think about my company or product now? Do they even know we exist? Do they spend (enough) money with us?

Customer 1:

Customer 2

Step 4: How do you want them to feel and act after seeing your ad?

Still in your customers’ shoes.

Ask: What do you want these people to think, feel or do in relations to your company or product after the ad? (This is different from your objective, which is more business oriented.)

Customer 1:

Customer 2:

Step 5: The conversation

Imagine you’re talking to your target customer face-to-face.

Ask: What’s the single most important thing (one sentence) I could say to change her attitudes or actions? What questions is she likely to have, and what rational and emotional points back up my message?

Customer 1:

Customer 2:

Supporting reasons:

Step 6: Where can I reach my customers with my ad?

Imagine going through a day as your target customer.

Ask: Where could I put my ad that would make sure it appears in front of my target customers at the right time? Is it the TV in my shop window? Is it an electronic billboard? Is it an email? My website? A Facebook ad?

These answers aren’t mutually exclusive, but will help you design your ad to be more effective.

Now, you’re ready. Print out this page so you can refer back to your answers when you start making your videos. Understanding your objectives and your customers is crucial to the success of your video ads.

After you’ve finished, head over to Shakr and start browsing through our video styles to find the right one for your business.

2 comments On Super Simple Creative Brief for Small Business Video Ads

  • This is actually a really good idea as most other small business owners I’ve talked to would mention how much they are intrigued by the video ads but didn’t know the first thing about winter and should be about, let alone how to develop those ideas into a marketing tool. This “creative brief” make that process easier. It really helps to focus one’s thoughts into a workable plan to develop such an Advertisement.

  • Erik Cornelius

    Thanks. We appreciate it.

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