How can small businesses make highly effective video ads? Think first!
In a recent article in the Globe and Mail, Lisa Ostrikoff identified “five key foundations of effective video advertising“. Let me summarise them briefly for you:
- Entice and intrigue: Give people enough to get the interested (and clicking). Don’t tell them absolutely everything.
- Bring them in: Provide ways for people to interact through the technology they are using.
- Symphony not noise: Use consistent messaging. Don’t try to say everything about the brand or product.
- Make them feel ____: Use emotion to make the point. Video is great at triggering an emotional response.
- Catch the moment: Reach people when the ad is relevant to them.
Lisa’s list is absolutely right, but as a small business, how do you achieve these five fundamental foundations? It isn’t easy unless you do some thinking up front.
Next week we’ll bring you our Super Simple Video Advertising Creative Brief for Small Businesses, which will make things… well… super simple.
By the way, we at Shakr love what Lisa Ostrikoff is writing about video advertising. It’s practical and informative, whether you’re a large business or a small one. You can read more of Lisa’s writing here