The New York Times recommends Shakr for small businesses looking to create video ads, as part of an article about startups that are focused on helping small businesses compete with bigger rivals.
Tacky photo slide shows with awkward transitions just don’t cut it among consumers with an increasingly voracious appetite for slick video, said David Lee, Shakr’s founder and chief executive. Americans watched nearly 30 billion video ads online in March this year, according to the data company comScore. Rates for video ads can often be cheaper than advertising on a program like Google’s AdWords.
There’s more on Shakr in the article, “Modern Tools for Mom-and-Pops“. We’re also eager to take a look at some of the other service recommended, including Cups, ShopKeep and Edelweiss.
If you’re new to Shakr, give us a try and let us know what you think.