Facebook “Video Views” Objective is Huge News for Small Businesses

After introducing its big-brand targeted Premium Video Ads in March, now Facebook has something for the rest of us.

Video Views is a new tool to target video ads to people who already watch content videos. And that’s a lot of people. According to ComScore’s Video Metrix, more than 87 million people in the United States watched content videos on Facebook in April of 2014. What Premium Video ads do for big business, Video Views can do for scrappy small businesses and lively local companies.

According to Facebook, Video Views “will automatically optimise ads to be shown to the people most likely to view videos on Facebook, across devices and across target audiences.”

How can you use Facebook Video Views? Start by creating a new ad in the Ad Manager. Then, Video Views will appear as a new objective in the list of types of results you want to achieve.



Facebook is also introducing two additional video advertising features.

First, you’ll be able to work with your account rep. (if you have one) to create custom target audiences from people who already watch your content videos. Then you’ll be able to target them with specific content or ads. If these custom audiences work like Facebook’s other custom audiences, you’ll be able to target people with videos and other types of content, too.

This could become a powerful tool for companies looking to keep audiences engaged at crucial times, but it could also be a sign that organic distribution of videos will be de-emphasised, in favour of this new potential profit centre. That’s far from certain, however, and if you have a strong following for your videos, by all means, try the custom targeting and let us know how it goes.

The second new feature is really exciting, because it allows you to add a call to action at the end of your video. This is useful across platforms, but will be especially handy if your audience tends to watch your videos on mobile, where it’s more difficult to see an existing call to action link. Facebook has posted a picture of how this will look on its blog. A call to action at the end of a video is ideal for small businesses or local companies that want to boost conversions on people watching videos. I can already think of some ways that Shakr will be testing this out.



The main takeaway from all of these announcements is that small business advertisers are important to Facebook. These tools will help you target your videos more effectively and get higher conversions out of them.

And, of course, if you don’t have videos yet, or want to increase the production quality of your videos, give Shakr a try. Videos are always free to create and affordable to upgrade.

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