Bloomberg Businessweek on why Korean Startups like Shakr Look Overseas for Greater Opportunities

Christina Larson of Bloomberg Businessweek sums up Shakr, in a nutshell:

On, developers can upload video templates for everything from weddings and children’s birthdays to real-estate sales. A user can insert personal photos into the template and download a low-res video for free or pay about $40 for an HD version. Since the website was launched on May 1, about 40 percent have chosen to pay for the higher-quality version. To date, Shakr has received about $2.4 million in seed funding from domestic and international investors, including Silicon Valley venture firm 500 Startups. Much of Lee’s growth plan centers around real-estate video templates for the U.S. market.

Read the full article, Seoul’s Tech Startups Look Overseas, on the Bloomberg Businessweek website.

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