Brand Video Breakdown: Why Violet Grey’s Instagram & Product Videos Are the New Industry Standard

The fashion and beauty industry is a tough one to break into, and it’s an even harder one to really excel in. There’s so much competition from big brands and small names alike, and the only way to really get started at this point is to find a way to set yourself and your products apart.

Violet Grey, however, has managed to do exactly that– and they’re not even developing their own products.

In this month’s brand video breakdown, we’re going to take a look at how Violet Grey’s Instagram and video marketing strategies have helped them make a name for themselves and establish their brand, setting a new industry standard for everyone else to live up to.

The Brand: Violet Grey  

Violet Grey started when the founders were on the hunt for the world’s best eyelash curler, and they asked Hollywood-standard artists to run rigorous tests to find the best ones. These high standards became their Violet Code, and then they started testing everything, too.

This brand curates only the best products and tools for women, ranging from skincare to probiotics, and sells them on their site. They also feature invaluable tips and information from industry experts, all in one place.

The Strategy

Violet Grey doesn’t sell their own products, so they provided a value offer that few others could: a strong name that people could trust, backed by well-known, well-connected industry leaders. And they do this largely through their video content, which offers value in the form of tutorials and information about the best products out there.

Let’s take a look at two pillars of their video marketing strategy and why they’re so successful.  

Violet Grey IGTV Tutorials

Violet Grey’s Instagram is well-branded, and I want to start this section by pointing that out. Their main hashtag is #violetcodeapproved, and their catchphrase is “The Industry’s Beauty Edit.” These are strong choices because it establishes the brand as an authority from the get-go that consumers can trust and brands should aspire to be featured in.

What’s truly remarkable about Violet Grey’s Instagram, however, is their use of IGTV. IGTV is Instagram’s sister (but still-integrated) app that allows creators to share long-form content with their audience. Violet Grey is one of the only brands I’ve seen using it consistently and using it well, with both product reviews of #violetcodeapproved and tutorials making frequent appearances.

Both types of videos are highly valuable and right on target for their audience, who come to the brand to learn more. The videos feature industry influencers like Jillian Dempsey, and they’re creating content that their audience wants to see while leveraging the authority of their own brand and the influencers at hand to establish trust and expertise.

“Violet Code Approved” Product Videos

Video Grey’s video marketing strategy is similar to what’s featured on their IGTV channel, with several types of videos that are featured on their site, too, which is even called “Violet TV.” They know that people coming to their site are looking for information, and they use video (which is sharable and what increasing numbers of users want to see) to give them exactly that.

Product reviews are in-depth, showing how the product looks on models. The videos sometimes include tips to use the product for best results, while others talk about its best features. Some even include the creator of the product or another industry influencer.

They also have tutorials from Hollywood-level experts, showing you everything from “how to fake perfect skin” to how to “fringe trim” your hair at home. All these experts are adding instant credibility to the brand, and the content is so great it will help convert first-time visitors and keep long-term customers coming back.

What We Can Learn

Violet Grey used a strong combination of video marketing, brand building, and influencer marketing to create an incredibly appealing brand that, according to them, defines the new industry standard. It’s a big claim, and they made sure to live up to it.

Here’s the good news: this is a strategy that you can use for yourself, too. While it won’t work for many brands to immediately say “Hey, we’re the best in the biz” without getting major flack for it (remember– this is something that has to be earned), it is possible to use the same basic strategies that Violet Grey used to earn that powerful reputation for yourself over time.

Video marketing is a pillar of its overall marketing success. They’re creating the content that their audience wants to see, not just what they think would do well in search engines or that would serve their own purposes. They’ve created a massive video campaign as a result, sprinkling in the power of influencers to help them attract and appeal to more of their target audience.

You can easily create a scalable video marketing campaign for your brand, too. Identify a niche of content that your audience is looking for, and find a way to deliver it to them. Whether it’s tutorial videos you’re creating or purely informational content, make sure that your audience is at the center of it.

With tools like Shakr, which provide customized, made-for-you video templates, you can quickly create scalable campaigns that will have a cohesive, seamless feel to improve your overall success. You can learn more about this here.


Violet Grey has made an enormous name for the brand even without creating new products themselves. It’s now a huge honor for brands to be given the Violet Grey code of approval, and they’ve successfully used video marketing and the guarantee of quality to make themselves the leading authority in the industry. Their videos are the key, as they center the brand while providing exceptionally valuable information their customers are seeking.

The ultimate takeaway: find what content your audiences need and deliver it in a way no one else is. This is a surefire way to connect with them and make a lasting impact.

What do you think?  How do you feel about Violet Grey’s Instagram and marketing strategy? How will you adapt it to your business? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!

Ana Gotter is a business writer specializing in social media and content marketing, though she writes on a variety of other niches and subjects. She can be contacted at

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