How Rockin’ Green Uses Simple Video to Sell More on Facebook

When we talk to potential clients about signing up for Shakr so that we can help them scale their video campaigns, one concern that we hear is about the struggle brands face when it comes to shooting insanely high-quality video clips and obtaining those images. Many feel that this is an enormous barrier of entry keeping them out of video advertising.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

Sure, those stunning, unbelievably gorgeous and crystal-clear videos are definitely appealing to users, and it’s great to use them if you have access to them. That being said, they aren’t needed to sell your products as long as you’re able to portray their value. And Rockin’ Green is living proof.

In this brand video breakdown, we’re going to take a close look at how Rockin’ Green uses (and scales!) simple video advertising to drive sales on Facebook. 

About Rockin’ Green

Rockin’ Green sells green powdered laundry detergent that has “all the good stuff” and “none of the bad stuff.” They have general good-for-most-items detergents as well as those with speciality uses, like those for activewear or cloth diapers. The detergents are eco-friendly, good for sensitive skin, and still effective (speaking from experience). 

If you’re thinking that this isn’t necessarily the most glamorous product ever, you’re right– and that’s what makes their marketing so impressive. 

Rockin’ Green markets heavily on Facebook Ads, and as someone who converted on their outstanding ads, I can attest that they’re well done. What’s so impressive about this, though, is that they’re not using insanely complicated, thousand-dollar-per-minute video clips; the majority of videos that they’re using in their Facebook Ads could easily be shot with an iPhone in a few minutes or less.

Their Campaigns: The Breakdown 

Rockin’ Green uses simple but incredibly effective videos in their well-targeted Facebook Ad video funnels. They also use some of the same video content in their organic marketing campaigns to increase its visibility.

The videos and images typically involve super-short videos (around 30 seconds or less) that simply show the product at work. Simple videos are all that are needed, therefore, because they do an amazing job demonstrating the value and efficiency of the product they’re marketing, which is all they really need to do. This is a great example of the content they’re using:

All you need to do is watch that video to immediately see the appeal and feel your stomach turn just a little bit. Many of us have had athletic clothes or dishtowels or something that just doesn’t quite get clean, and seeing our “clean” items fill up a tub with dirt is pretty horrifying. I’m not even close to a germophobe, but the first time I saw it I looked down at the blanket my dogs were laying on and wondered “how much dirt is lodged in this thing?” 

They don’t need an insanely glamorous video with complicated scripts. A simple concept and a video that could easily be shot with an iphone really is all these campaigns need.
It helps that their targeting is on point. As part of their strategy, they’re clearly using different messaging to appeal to unique audience segments. Let’s look at an example.

In the first ad here, they’re targeting people who are likely keeping their activewear for long enough periods of time that it’s hard for it to ever feel really clean. This could be almost anyone.

In the second, though, they mention the cost of quality athleisure, expensive sports bras and leggings, and are clearly trying to appeal to the Lululemon crowd who spends a ton of money on activewear. This is a very specific audience, but the messaging is clear: Your stuff is expensive, so take care of it the right away to ensure it lasts. This is a powerful message that resonates on an almost subconscious level, and it makes so much logical sense it can’t be overlooked.

Simple video + simple messaging = a winning concept when the value is clear in both.

They’re also smart about their ad campaigns. They use distinct funnels, which I’ve gotten to see as a customer. They start with videos that appeal to specific pain points (typically along the lines of “ew, gross”), and nurture users through the funnel with reminders about how expensive athleisure is and by using reviews and testimonials in the copy to win customers over. Even after users convert, I’ve gotten a retargeting ad campaign, reminding me six months after my purchase that it was time to purchase again. 

simple video advertising

Finally, to make sure that their campaigns are on point, a quick visit to Facebook’s Ad Library shows that they’re making regular use of split testing. They’re seeing how different combinations of video and messaging options work well together, determining what works best and likely helping them to shape their campaigns moving forward. An example of this can be seen below:

simple video advertising

The Takeaway

Rockin’ Green is a small business, and one thing that I love so much about their marketing campaigns is that they’re using simple video advertising strategies that any other small business can replicate. 

Here are the big takeaways that you can copy and adapt for your brand:

  • Don’t be afraid to use simple video as long as you’re clearly demonstrating the value of the product. You don’t need to shell out tens of thousands on video clips, and you can use tools like Shakr to elevate simple clips into something great
  • Target your ads appropriately, and use careful messaging to connect with each audience segment.
  • Use complex funnels, including messaging at each stage of the sales funnel to keep people moving closer towards purchasing, even after they’ve already purchased once.
  • Split test all of your campaigns, keeping your ads fresh and finding the most winning combinations.


I worked with small businesses on their social marketing campaigns for several years, and I always stressed that while those gorgeous videos were certainly nice to have, cost of compiling video clips should never keep anyone from video marketing. 

Rockin’ Green is an outstanding example of why that’s the case, and how you can use great video editing tools like Shakr to improve the quality of production and scale your campaigns further in the blink of an eye. 

Want to find new ways to scale your short video clips into something great? Learn more about how Shakr can help

Ana Gotter is a business writer specializing in social media and content marketing, though she writes on a variety of other niches and subjects. She can be contacted at

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